I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Carnegie Mellon University.
Brief bio sketch
Before joining CMU I was a Florence Nightingale Bicentennial Fellow and Tutor in Computational Statistics and Machine Learning at the University of Oxford. Prior to that, I was a Data Science Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, mentored by Pierre Jacob. Previously, I did my PhD in Statistics at Columbia University, advised by Liam Paninski. I am originally from Santiago, Chile. There, I obtained by B.Sc. in Mathematical Engineering at Universidad de Chile.
I develop robust, efficient, and theoretically sound statistical methodology for tackling challenging life sciences problems involving data. My experience comes from neuroscience and epidemiology, where datasets are of two extreme types. In neuroscience, they are the output of cutting-edge technologies (e.g., a new microscope), where I develop methods to crack these datasets, i.e., to extract the relevant signals at scale and reasonable time, accelerating scientific discovery. At the other extreme, there are the massive routinely collected “cheap” data (e.g. epidemiological surveillance); my goal here is to develop frameworks to draw valid inferences out of these inherently corrupted, biased data, and combine them with more traditional and reliable sources.
I also have a stand-alone interest in the emerging field of statistical optimal transport. I derive and study statistical procedures arising from the mathematical framework of optimal transport. This framework provides us with powerful tools to e.g., measure the distance between distributions, and turn to map one distribution into another. Statistical properties of estimators derived from optimal transport are typically not known, and because of the popularity of this framework and the associated estimators in applied scientific research, the study of their properties represents a timely research program.
My research is supported by NSF grant DMS-2412895
I am seeking collaborations with motivated students. See my research page for details about ongoing projects and interests.
Please go to my Google Scholar profile for the most up-to-date list of my publicly available scholarly work.
Contact information:
Email: gmena AT andrew DOT cmu DOT edu
Office Address: 229i Baker Hall, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213