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Gonzalo E. Mena

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On motion and emotion (inspired by Hans Jonas’ ‘The phenomenon of Life’)

Have you ever wondered why the words ‘motion’ and ‘emotion’ are so similar even if they mean completely different things? Actually they do refer to closely r...

Code for On quadrature methods for refractory point processes

In the GitHub site there are two examples (in Matlab) for illustrating the methods presented in the article. The first example (ExampleRenewal.m) corresponds...

Neural Spikes over a MEA (micro electrode array)

Here, each of the traces correspond to the voltage recorded at each of several electrodes (that have a well-defined spatial organization, or neighborhood). S...

Cosmic rays shower

Gaussian Processes

Here are some examples of samples of gaussian process (seen as a function of the two dimensional space, time and color). In all cases the sampled GPs come fr...

The Creation of Adam and God Ex Nihilo

Ex Nihilo is a latin expression which literally means ‘out of nothing’. According to some people, God is a concept invented my Man, and man is in turn a rand...

A gaussian Tiling

This is a research subproduct: the GIF below shows what happens if you consider a set of truncated gaussians (truncated so that they are zero outside a circl...


Have you ever seen shapes or patterns when you close your eyes and rub your eyes? This very personal phenomenon of experiencing vision with no light is calle...

Artificial Snowflakes

Snowflakes provide us with a great example to illustrate how organized structures can be created out from randomness. The creation of snowflakes is actually ...

Who Doesn't love fractals?

Since decades fractals have drawned the curiosity of both laypeople, because of their beauty, and of scientist, because they can be studied and altough their...

On Synchronicity, Statistics and Apophenia

For many years I have felt amazed by the occurrence of coincidences, and I guess it is a ubiquitous feeling in human beings. This topic has been addressed b...